Piles Treatments

  • What is Piles:
    Piles(hemorrhoids) are enlarged, bulging blood vessels around the anal canal and lower rectum. There are two types of piles; external and internal, which refer to their location.
  • Piles Causes:
    The upright posture of humans alone forces a great deal of pressure on the rectal blood vessels, which sometimes causes them to bulge. Other contributing factors include genetic predisposition,constipation or diarrhea ,Pregnancy,aging,Overuse of laxatives or enemas, straining at stools.Straining at stools regularly Whatever the cause, the tissues supporting the blood vessels becomes weak. As a result, the blood - vessels dilate; their walls become thin and bleed. If the stretching and pressure continue, the weakened veins protrude.
  • Piles Symptoms:
    leeding during bowel movements .Itching or irritation in your anal region.Pain or discomfort.Swelling around your anus.Protruding from the anus.Painful lumps near the anus.Leakage of feces.Low fiber diet - intake of less than 30 grams of fiber per day
  • Piles procedure:
    Our Aim is to provide Best Piles Treatment in Bangalore and spread it to every corner of the world. Our Doctors for Piles treats all stages of piles in a pain-free scientific manner, thus keeping the patient happy & letting them get back to normal life within 24 hours. Hence, you need not take a long leave or a sick break & no one needs to even know about it. Schedule yourself our best piles laser treatment on a weekend & be at your work by Monday without feeling the pain.

Steps,Procedure of Surgery


Piles Surgery


Piles Surgery


Piles Surgery


Piles Surgery

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